Land Based Ventilation Services

The Margo-Vent offer HVAC services to Land Based commercial businesses including: Industry plants, Research facilities, Hospitals, Offices.

Our offer encompasses the following:

  • Designing, construction and services of HVAC systems;
  • Inspection, cleaning and disinfection of building HVAC system installations with the addition of documenting every procedure in the individual client history book.

  • Inspection, cleaning and disinfection of ventilation centrals.
  • Cleaning, disinfection and the replacement of secondary ventilation devices like: anemostats, cages, ventilators, silencers, throttles, air filters (ULPA and HEPA with a documented validation),         regeneration of the entalphy weels.

Our methods are based on state-of-the-art modern equipment uniquely suited for the purpose of inspection, cleaning and disinfection of ventilation systems and AC systems.

We use equipment that is provided by the world renowned company in the field of AC and Ventilation system cleaning (pneumatic machines dedicated to cleaning oval or rectangle formed canals in the diameter range of 50mm to 1300mm, vacuum generators and filtration sections with HEPA included).

Furthermore we also use certified disinfectant substances (usage according to the rules of conduct EN15780, VDI 6022, HVCA).